Preacher Tonya Reyes-Dickerson Aka Apostle Tonya
Preacher Lonnie Dickerson Aka Bishop Lonnie
are the Founders of
Eye of the Tiger Ministries Inc.
"Be Blessed Don't Stress" Resale Shop
Our Son Chef Turtle aka Brother Damian Reyes is the Founder of Turtle D's. but is also ordained.
We have a passion for helping and strongly believe God has shown us this path to help others. Our favorite Bible verse is 1 Peter 4:10 ( Each one should use whatever gift he has received to serve others, faithfully administering God's grace in its various forms.). We believe we received the gift of giving God a blessing and that is the path he has set for us. That gift is how we serve our needs.
EYE OF THE TIGER MINISTRIES INC is a faith-based non-profit with our subsidiaries non-profit companies Turtle D's & "Be Blessed Don't Stress" Resale Shop.
Welcome to EYE OF THE TIGER MINISTRIES INC with our subsidiaries companies,
Turtle D's & "Be Blessed Don't Stress" Resale Shop
Eye of the Tiger Ministries Inc. has grown in 2024. to add on "Be Blessed Don't Stress" Resale Shop . We had Turtle D's since 2021 so we added this one more to our ministry family.
The purpose of these businesses are to provide a bible-based type of ministry services in our community, out of our home, and out of our local resale shop. That helps to feed the Homeless and less fortunate children or adults with a pre packaged food pantry just for our homeless and less fortunate clients.
Eye of the Tiger Ministries Inc. along with our new Subsidiaries company's: Turtle D's and "Be Blessed Don't Stress" Resale Shop have come together as one in a respectable, caring, and overall helping way, that connects people who have a desire to share their God-giving talents with those in our Shop by offering homeless and less fortunate children and adults food, clothing, and basic needs.
Any items or services not donated will be bought with funds made by our non-profit subsidiaries Turtle D's or "Be Blessed Don't Stress" Resale Shop by selling handmade products or gently used goods that were donated after we clean them up and make sure they work to anyone in the community in our resale shop & have a pre packaged pantry to the homeless.
Turtle D sells his cottage law products at the local Wichita Falls Farmers Market Association on Sat to raise money for the ministries on top of the shop. We are in the process of building a commercial kitchen onsite coming mid 2024 for Turtle D's to Make products on site.
We are a Non-Profit Religious Shop with Turtle D's and "Be Blessed Don't Stress" Resale Shop . We also has religious services on Wed at 7 pm & Everyday On Demand on the Spot Weddings Available . The last thing we do is Virtual weddings for human and animals and even special events for small Groups of people. All this to help raise money for our Cause .
This ministry was founded by Tonya Reyes-Dickerson in 2011 and Lonnie Dickerson came on board in 2015 and Damian Reyes in 2021. Our son Brother Damian aka Chef Turtle decided to start his own company in 2021 Turtle D's to help raise money for our ministries and to help others as well.
Apostle Tonya and Bishop Lonnie decided in 2024 to open a Non-profit Resale shop to help the cause as well. So as of March 5, 2024, we will have us all under one roof working together to serve the community.
We are a unique 3 in one non-profit organization in the area that provides all the services under one roof. As we mentioned above our blessing program gives two meals a day out that are easyprepackaged to grab and go, plus a clothing program that gives out free clothing but with limits based on what we have on hand to give out. We also work with local schools and other Non-Profit Organizations to help others as well . We give them the proper hygiene products they need to better themselves, we do basic eduction if needed , we help sign up for food stamps , we help set up appts and try to help set up other resources if we, we can do haircuts, shaves, and teach make-up application as well. To help improve oneself and self-esteem to get them the motivation to help them improve their situation and help to get jobs.
We also provide a Bible-based ministry service open to the public to help the fallen from Grace or to get closer to God that is relaxed and relaxing. With no judgmental rules on people and religions, they have been exposed to in their lifetime. We are open to everyone of all types, all religions, and all ways who are willing to learn or who want to listen. We welcome everyone from the streets, any age, race, gender, disability, and even any species to any event we have. All we ask is please respect the event, venue, clients, and customers.
EYE OF THE TIGER MINISTRIES INC with our subsidiaries companies Turtle D's & "Be Blessed Don't Stress" Resale Shop runs this free Blessing program for people residing in Wichita Falls, Texas only by filling out an application and meeting the requirements will we offer free clothes and food.
Keep in mind these items are donated items so they might not be available at all times. But we are always taking donations of any kind. Just please no big furniture or appliances without approval and no out-of-date food.
We serve in the community, at our home, and now at our new location 3116 Seymour Hwy, Wichita Falls, TX 76301 in the front strip of Fre-Mar Valley shopping center. Where EYE OF THE TIGER MINISTRIES INC with our subsidiaries companies Turtle D's & "Be Blessed Don't Stress" Resale Shop are all open and working under one roof selling stuff and helping others at the same time.
We are not held responsible for any accidents while on the property for any event or service.
You will have to assume all responsibility for your actions and the actions of anyone in your party. If any damage, it will be the guests, not the Management's responsibility to cover the cost of fixing it.
Come check out our interviews on social media and on the Local news
Click on the Pictures below
(There is more out there this is just a few)