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This cause is dedicated to our Friend /Local Homeless Man "Bob"  aka Robert Green. 


He became a member of our family and was even in our wedding. He taught us that we should always give if we get more than we need. He showed us and taught us that we will find much joy in our lives if we offer a little bit of hope to others. Before his passing away due to cancer he was like a second father to me. He is very much missed and this is to honor him.









We run a free Blessing program to give away free pre packaged meals, hygiene supplies, free shoes,free clothes, and much more to people residing in Wichita Falls, Texas, or nearby areas. Keep in mind these items are donated items so they might not be always available. But we are always taking donations of any kind. Just please no big furniture or appliances without approval and no out-of-date food.  We welcome everyone from the streets, any age, race, gender, disability, and even any species to any event we have.  All we ask is please respect the event, venue, clients, and staff.



Please do not big items without approval and no broken items or items that have bugs.

People need our help, not our trash!!!!







 Want to donate to help support the ministry or any supplies?? 


Here's Turtle D's Amazon wish list

to help with supplies:


 We use Venmo:





 we use CASH APP: 





we use PAYPAL APP:





The blessing program gives two meals a day out that are easily prepackaged to grab and go, plus a clothing program that gives out free clothing but with limits based on what we have on hand to give out.

You can get after you put in an application and are approved the following:

2 pants

2 shirts

2 socks

1 shoe

2 underwear

1 jacket every 6 months

1 bag/purse

1 misc. item

1 bag of hygiene supplies

1 blanket every 6 months.


If the item has a tag of $10 or more, you can't get those free with this program.


We also work with local schools and other Non-Profit Organizations to help others as well.


We give them the proper hygiene products they need to better themselves, we do basic education if needed, we help sign up for food stamps, we help set up appts and try to help set up other resources if we, we can do haircuts, shaves, and teach make-up application as well.


To help improve oneself and self-esteem to get them the motivation to help them improve their situation and help to get jobs.


Keep in mind these items are donated items so they might not always be available. But we are always taking donations of any kind. Just please no big furniture or appliances without approval and no out-of-date food.


 We welcome everyone from the streets, any age, race, gender, disability, and even any species to any event we have.  All we ask is please respect the event, venue, clients, and staff.




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